Amara's Prayer by Steve Wedel: Review and Exclusive Author Interview

As most Dark Bite regulars know, I'm a big fan of Steve Wedel and his work and a constant burr in my side is that he hasn't been deservedly picked up by a major publisher. Yet. His latest offering brings even more proof that his work is folds above most of its ilk. The kind folks at Hell Notes once more play host to a review by your's truly of Steve's outstanding novel, followed by an exclusive interview by the author in which we discuss the origins of Amara's Prayer and its hard hitting subject matter. You can read the review HERE , and enjoy the short interview HERE . If once you've read and no doubt enjoyed the novel, the story doesn't have to end there. Steve has allowed us to travel along with Milton Agnew's personal diary HERE . Support your indie authors and help spread the word by sharing and passing along.