DARK BITES PRESENTS : QUICK LICKS A BRIEF CONVERSATION WITH ~ JACK KETCHUM ~ Familiarity is certainly a mileage which varies so the mention of Jack Ketchum is bound to conjure up various images and meanings depending on your personal experience, be it first hand or otherwise. To some, the name reflects a thirty-five year span of literary prowess which includes several award, nominations, films based on his work and countless accolades of the highest order from the masters of his craft of which he is one of. Others might envision a chiseled philosopher, a world traveler or a life long student of the human condition. For others still, the name Jack Ketchum stirs up a century ’s old ima ge of a gritty gun slinger hung dead from the gallows for crimes most foul. This final image is attributed to the infamous Tom "Black Jack” Ketchum , the murderous train robber from the late 1800's from which Dallas Mayr, the man, borrowed the name sake from to ...