A Tribute To Jack Ketchum R.I.P.

When I read of his passing via social media last week, it
was as though one of his fictitious human monsters had hit me square in the
gut. I knew he had battled cancer in the past and was undergoing treatment
again, but… I was struck.
My first encounter with Ketchum was from when I was writing
for a now defunct little publication called Insidious Reflections. Long story
short, I volunteered to check out an equally now defunct online horror forum
called The Red Light District where Ketchum was doing a Q&A session. This
lead to me getting tasked to interview him for an upcoming issue of IR. I remember panicking because this bestselling author
who Stephen King referred to as the scariest guy in America was all but unknown
to me at the time. It was bad enough I’d never interviewed an author before, but
on top of that all I knew about Ketchum’s work was thinly stretched between his
website and his reputation for creating gut wrenching stories that had a way of
really getting under your skin. The
first of his books I read were The Lost, She Wakes, and The Girl Next Door. I
was sold; at once hooked by the writing. Scared shitless of coming across as
some newb who would somehow offend and piss him off I figured for sure I would end
up becoming the next doomed character he writes about.
As it turned out, Ketchum was one of the most humble,
approachable and kind human beings I’d come across. He had nothing to gain by opening
up his thoughts to a hack journalist like me, yet he had no hesitation in
allowing me to ask him anything while he fired back with his personal style of wit
and candid honesty. I’ve interviewed him a handful of times since, read and reviewed
more of his writing as well as covered his experiences with having some of his best
known books adapted to the big screen. Along the way Jack Ketchum, the author,
became Dallas Mayr, the man from which his pseudonym was born, and one I eventually
came to call my friend and mentor. Anytime I asked to access his creative process,
either to interview him about recent projects or for my own personal gains as a
budding writer, Dallas never failed to offer help. He shared his thoughts
freely and offered advice on everything from my writing to reassuring me that
my 30’s were going to be fucking awesome after I once mentioned a slight
concern about leaving my twenties behind me.
I met Dallas in person during the Festival of Fear in
Toronto back in 2005 or so. I blew my convention budget on his books which he
was happy to sign. We shot the breeze for a while and at some point he asked me
to hang out and watch his booth for him while he made a mad dash to the ‘loo.
In other words, I got to be Jack Ketchum for about 15 minutes. Luckily, we look
nothing alike and fans weren’t fooled when I offered to sign their stuff.
I last interviewed Dallas this past September for my blog.
Within the interview he disagreed with a sentiment I had made about the world
we live in being darker than ever before. He countered my perspective by
suggesting that humanity, however slowly, is steadily moving forward, that it’s
getting better. I like to think he’s right. I hope that he is and that he gets
to watch it all from wherever in the cosmos he may be cruising along. I also hope he gets to enjoy his grandmother’s lentil soup while writing to eternity. I’ll always be
grateful to have called him friend and for all the times I was allowed to dig
around inside a truly gifted dark and curious mind of one of the most
courageous, impactful writer’s a reader could ever ask for. Rest in peace, Dallas. Travel well, Jack.
Thanks always for your kindness and most of all for creating brutal, entertaining
worlds that won’t soon be forgotten.
If you want to help make a difference and enjoy some great
stories, you can pick up a copy HERE of Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep: A Charity
Anthology Benefitting The Jimmy Fund / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Necon
Anthologies) (Volume 5).
From his friend and webmaster, Kev: If you wish to make a charitable donation in Dallas's (or Jack's) name, please consider a no-kill animal rescue or shelter in your area, or elsewhere, particularly for cats. Dallas donated regularly to these, and they are near and dear to his heart.
From his friend and webmaster, Kev: If you wish to make a charitable donation in Dallas's (or Jack's) name, please consider a no-kill animal rescue or shelter in your area, or elsewhere, particularly for cats. Dallas donated regularly to these, and they are near and dear to his heart.
Feel free to enjoy this audio interview we did a while
back in which the powers of that famous Lentil soup are first discussed.
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