Your Monday Mourning report #3

Welcome to your Monday Mourning Report, in which I scour the inter-webs digging up the dirt on the latest offerings, happening and general going-ons from our favourate authors, film makers and other dark creators. Fresh Meat ### Okay, maybe this book isn’t that fresh, but any day you can snag an e-book of Jeff Strand – in this case, Blister – is enough to freshen up any horror lover’s day, right? But be quick – this book and several others are only available to download from Amazon for free until end of day tomorrow. Get it here! ### Author, Sephera Giron has just received her gorgeous hard cover copy of The Pulp Book of Phobias which contains her story, "Five in the Six!" and shares space with the likes of John Skip, Ray Garton, Richard Chizmar and several others. Get it here! ### Mick Garris gathers his famous friends for the horror anthology Nightmare Cinema. Check it out here! Mad Musings *** From John Bow...