Your Monday Mourning Report #2
Fresh Meat
Thomas F. Monteleone urges all you fresh writers looking to sharpen your skills that registration for the next Bordlerlands writing bootcamp is heating up: “We are getting lots of applications for our January borderlands press writers boot camp. $100 discount for HWA members.
Just so you know: Your Pres and VP are Boot Camp grads. I think we are doing something right”
Apply HERE
Coyote Rage by Owl Goingback
Synopsis: Bram Stoker Award-Winning author Owl Goingback makes a triumphant return to horror and fantasy in this gripping new novel. Coyote is on a murderous hunt, leaving behind a trail of carnage. The shape-shifter is determined to kill the human representatives to the Great Council in Galun’lati, eliminating the rule of mankind in the New World. But Raven has overheard the Trickster’s evil plan, and will do anything to protect Luther Watie and his daughter, Sarah Reynolds, even if it means turning his skin inside out. The forces of evil are aligning in two very different worlds. Can mankind be saved, or will creatures of fur and fangs once again reign supreme? Cover art by Ben Baldwin
Suburban Grindhouse by Nick Cato

"Nick Cato’s desire for sex, blood, and filth fleshes out the lesser-known neighborhood venues where lone pervs would anonymously gather to get their collective rocks off. An essential addition to the grindhouse scholar’s shelf, Cato’s roadmap to cinematic depravity relights those long-dimmed and demolished dingy marquees, comforting us with the gentle solace and reminiscence of what can only be experienced in the darkest shadows of the cinema." Shade Rupe, author of Dark Stars Rising
Mad Musings
According to Ray Garton (Live Girls): “JAMES BATMAN is a 1966 Filipino spoof, that pits Batman and James Bond against an evil organization called CLAW. It's playing right now on The Monster Channel and must be seen to be believed.” And you know what? I believe him.
Weston Ochse (Seal Team 666) and David J. Show (The Big Crush) take to Facebook to discuss the finer points of what it takes to make a proper salad, and what constitutes crap verse a slap to the face.
And in other news. Tom Monteleone (Fearful Symmetries, The Borderland series) was last seen running to the bank with a 3 cents cheque and gloating about making it as a television writer.
Web Of Fear
Author, Bob Freeman, (Shadows over Somerset) shares his love for Halloween and points us to an article about a new festival celebrating Ireland as the birthplace of Halloween. Drive yourself over HERE and don't mind the muffled noises coming from the trunk.
Even horror writers can get scared sometimes. Brian Keene (The Rising, Darkness On the Edge Of Town) gets back to the basics of blogging to tell us what scares him these days. Click HERE to read all about it.
So, you want to be a special effects makeup artist? Craig Lindberg (Kong: Skull Island, Boardwalk Empire, The Walking Dead, Johnny Gruesome) explains the basics in THIS INTERVIEW.
Well, that's it for this week's Mourning Report. Until next time, fellow fiends, stay hungry...stay dark.
Well, that's it for this week's Mourning Report. Until next time, fellow fiends, stay hungry...stay dark.
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